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Common Types of Mites and Signs That You Have Them

Mites are a kind of pests that cause damage to wood and wooden products. If a house is attacked by a colony of Mites, every wood item loses its strength and becomes weak before its lifespan is over. The owner of the house has to take necessary steps to prevent their home from Mites; It is a precaution that saves lots of costs while renovating the home. There are professional Mite Control Services in London, Ontario like MVO Pest Control that will help you through such Pest infestation. Our team of well-trained and skilled employees is ready to serve you with the best services one can find in this industry. We can inspect Mite infestation in the house through our tools and techniques and then ultimately get rid of them. Mite is a common kind of pest that causes damage to wood but it has certain types as well. 

The Three Most Common Types of Mites Are As Follows: 

Damp wood:

These types of Mites are mostly found in coniferous forests. Therefore, people living near these forests or getting their wood from such forests mostly encounter damp wood Mites. They are the ones who do not require soil and can survive only in high moisture places and are not common in the civilized area as they require moisture and the wood on which they breed does not have the presence of moisture after being manufactured for various types of uses.  

Dry wood:

Hardwood forests have dry wood Mites. The houses that are located near hardwood or the house that is made from hardwood encounter dry wood Mites. They do not cause damage easily and take a lot of time to damage the wood. Their presence cannot be seen easily as they take a lot of time to operate. They are really small in size.  


They are the most common kind of Mites that are found everywhere. They live in the soil and are best known for building big nests anywhere. It is a strong signal of their presence when somebody locates their big nests. They can live anywhere except in a particularly cold region like Alaska, where the minimum temperature might drop below zero and could cause damage at a high speed. 

Mites leave certain signs that reveal their presence- 

Unexpected noises:

Mites are usually found by their noises. They cannot be seen easily by the naked eye but can be detected by an expert. While the MVO Pest Control investigation process, the Mite inspector has an approach that helps us to locate the presence of Mites in your dwelling. It isn’t an easy task but this signal is the most prompt one. One should never overlook such a sign and take immediate action. 

Wooden piles:

Wooden piles that are lying in a damp location for a considerably long period definitely will have Mites breeding inside them. Those are the place where Mites generally tend to live, eat, mate, and increase their colony in no time. As nobody will interrupt them by using the wood. One should never skip their inspection and should get rid of the pile as soon as possible. 

Temperature and weather changes:

The changes in temperature and weather reflect the possibility of the presence of Mites that are breeding inside your house. One should take proper precautions when they are aware of the fact that the temperature is going to change. Weather changes trigger the presence of Mites and various other pests. Pest controlling should be done during that period to save the long-term menace.  


Moisture is the best circumstance in which pests generally grow. The mite is also a kind of pest that mates and makes a colony during the moistures phase. Pest controlling should be done in areas with moisture timely.  

Overgrown trees:

Overgrown trees are breeding points for Mites and one should have proper trimming of the trees and timely checking of the same is important. The house needs to be protected from such overgrown bushes and trees. They are a welcome call for different types of pests to come in.  

Hire a Professional:

We at MVO Pest ControlLondon, Ontario are at your service. We offer a wide range of services to our customers in need with the available at Ontario. We are transparent about our policy and are just a call away from you. Reach us for a free consultation by the best Pest Services provider in Ontario.

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